School Committee Information

The Narragansett Regional School Committee is comprised of eight members, five from the Town of Templeton and three from the town of Phillipston.

The School Committee uses the vision provided by the Districts’ mission statement and core values, as well as the District Strategic Plan, to guide our decisions as we work to support the Districts’ Goals.

The responsibilities of the School Committees are:

  • To appoint and evaluate the Superintendent

  • To review, approve, and monitor the district budget

  • To establish and maintain district policies consistent with the requirements of Massachusetts General Law and statewide standards established by the Massachusetts Board of Education

The NRSD School Committee typically meets on the third Thursday of each month, and the first and third Thursday on busier months. Additional meetings or joint sessions are scheduled as needed. Meetings are live-streamed and are also available on the NRSD YouTube channel.

School Committee Members


  • Shawn Case

  • Henry Mason

  • Heather Niemczura

  • Jennifer Smith, Chair

  • Shauna White


  • Danielle Boucher-Brunelle, Vice-Chair

  • Vacant

  • Kathryn Buell

Student Representative

  • TBD, Class of 2025

Contact Us

Please send any or all members of the committee an email expressing your views on any of the issues that have come before the committee. To send an email to all the members of the Narragansett Regional School Committee, use the following link: Email School Committee. The Superintendent and School Committee Secretary will also receive any emails sent to this address.  

Individual emails for School Committee members can be found here.

Email messages sent to School Committee members become part of the public record per MGL: Chpt.66, Sec.10 Public Records Law. Email messages may be posted online with School Committee meeting materials including the author's name and town, unless otherwise requested.